2014年3月21日 星期五



1. That's a touchy issue!

2. I will be off-site and unreachable for the rest of the afternoon

3. I have totally bought into your idea

4. You need to think creatively—outside the box

5. I hope John will join us. He is a fireball

6. Make your cubicle neat, tidy and fill it with homey charm

7. My boss went nuclear on me today

8. His proposal doesn't sit well with manager of the department

9. Her creative idea won her a lot of oohs and aahs from her co-workers

10. To finish the task in time was a tall order but we did it


2014年2月23日 星期日

不要再說Double confirm!

不要再說Double confirm!
  • I would like to double confirm the schedule for next week.
這句話聽起來沒問題,但其實是錯的!老師指正他說,美國人大概知道double confirm是什麼意思,但是他們不這麼講的。你也許會愣一下,因為很多人都這麼說的。
Double confirm不是英文,這說法據說是新加坡傳來的,講慣了就以訛傳訛,夾雜在我們的中文英文裡。這麼說有何不對嗎?我們先來看double這個字好了。
re是「再一次」或「重新」的意思,例如reopen「重新開張」或「重新經營」,refresh 是「重新提起精神」、remodel是(房子「改裝」) 。「再檢查一次」用recheck,還可以。
Double是「雙重」、「兩倍」的意思,和「再一次」不一樣 例如:
  • The room has double doors. 這房間有雙層門。(double當形容詞)
  • I am willing to pay double. 我願付雙倍的錢。(double當副詞)
  • double-lock a door,指用兩道鎖把門鎖好(像鑰匙轉兩次把門鎖好那樣)。
  • relock a door,指重新鎖上(可能原來沒鎖好)。
假如要再次確認,reconfirm這的字是通的;Double confirm,會變成雙重確認,感覺起來是要一道、兩道確認程式,不符合「再次確認」的意思。
還有一個字是double check,很普遍說法,意思是「再確認」。Double check也可以用來指用兩種方法核對,但多半情況是指「小心謹慎」,例句:
  • I double-checked that the file was attached. 我小心檢查過檔案已經附上。
  • Don't forget to double-check the reservation. 別忘了要再確認定位。
不一定指檢查兩次,只是傳達慎重的意思。如果你用rechecked,意思是「再檢查一次」 。在某些情況下double-check recheck也可以互通,例如:
I checked and double-checked / rechecked, and found nothing wrong.
  • I called to reconfirm the date.
  • I called for second confirmation.

I called to confirm again.

Now, where was I?“一時想不起”怎麼辦?

Now, where was I?“一時想不起怎麼辦?
這就對了。我常聽見老外和老外之間的談話,沒聽清楚就問對方Pardon? 而我們如果沒聽清楚、沒聽懂別人的英文,就會開始怪自己差,搞得人人有種英語原罪似的。
1. It's on the tip of my tongue...
是舌頭,tip是尖端,tip of my tongue多傳神的畫面,就要想起來,但吐不出來。
2. How shall I put it?
有時候是沒想到,不知怎麼措辭,可以用這句;有時候是別人問你一個問題,你不必直接給答案,理一下思緒,就用”How shall I put it?”
3. What's the word for it...
剛好卡在一個單字,就用這句,What's the word for it? 停頓一下,旁邊如果有懂了的人,就會幫你補上這個字。
4. Now, let me see.
講到一半找不到字,直接說Now, let me see. 對話中停下來想想,讓對方適時插入也會讓對話更豐富。

5. Now, where was I?
老美說話中斷之後,要繼續話題,卻忘了說到哪裏,常會自言自語說: Now, where was I? Oh, yes(嗯,我剛才談到哪裏?啊,想起來了。)
有時候沒想起,你的聽眾就會幫你補充訊息,注意是where was I,用過去式動詞,要幫人補充的話,就用過去進行式。
A: Now, where was I ?
B: You were telling me about your travels in Europe.


國人愛講究緣分,朋友相識相知是緣分,愛人牽手相愛也是緣分。有緣千里來相會,無緣對面不相逢。今天咱們就說說緣分吧! 1. 血緣 blood relationship 2. 人緣 relations with people 3. 有人緣 enjoy great popularity 4. 姻緣 predestined marriage 5. 喜結良緣 tie the nuptial knot 6. 前世因緣 fated marriage 7. 天緣巧合 by chance 8. 投緣 congenial 9. 無緣無故地 for no reason at all 10. 天賜良緣 a godsent marriage 11. 與某人有一面之緣 happen to have met sb. once 12. 有緣千里來相會,無緣對面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way


1. My time is your time. 請你吩咐! 2. My hands are tied. 我很忙,無能為力。 3. To make a long story short. 長話短說。 4. It's a date. 一言為定。 5. That's a steal. 真便宜。 6. She has no sense. 她不懂事。 7. It's not a big deal. 沒什麼了不起。 8. What's the fuss? 吵什麼? 9. Don't push me. 別逼我。 10. Have a good time. 玩得高興。 11.Get down to business. 言歸正傳。 12. Does it serve your purpose? 對你有用麼? 13. It's a long story. 一言難盡。 14. Don't play possum. 別裝蒜! 15. Make it up. 不計前嫌。 16. Don't over do it. 別太過分了。 17. You wanna bet? 想打賭嗎? 18. Who wants it/that? 誰稀罕? 19. December heartbeat. 黃昏戀 20. Follow my nose. 憑直覺 21. Cheap skate. 小氣鬼! 22. Big mouth. 多嘴。 23. I'm going to go. 我這就去。 24. can-do person 能人 25. Leave me alone. 別理我。 26. Don't pass the buck. 不要推卸責任 27. I can't put up with her. 我受不了她。 28. She is just thick-skinned. 她真是厚臉皮。 29. I see eye to eye with you. 我與你的意見一致。 30. I can't make two ends meet. 青黃不接 月光一族 31. Many people. many tastes. 各有所好。 32. One man's meat is another man's poison. 對一個好的事對另外的人並不是好事。 33. Many hands make light work. 人多好幹活。 34. I won't live off the handouts of other people. 我不會靠人家的施捨過活。 35. He is on his high horse these days. 他這幾天有點趾高氣昂。 36. You give him an inch and he will take a mile. 得寸進尺。 37. He is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。 38. We are on good terms. 我們關係很好。


下面幾個常用的面試英文表達,分享給大家: Topic 1 描述喜歡的工作 如何回答最喜歡什麼樣的工作?為什麼? Of all your jobs Which one have you enjoy the most? Why? I enjoyed my days as a college journalist the most. be popular: 大出風頭。 It was to be popular on campus. What job did you enjoy the most and why? I enjoyed my job at the bank. Because I had a lot of responsibility, and co-workers respected me. Why did you leave the bank? To accept position which I thought offered more opportunity for grows. Topic 2 你最不喜歡的工作是什麼?為什麼? enjoy the least Which job do you enjoy the least? Which job did you enjoy the least and why? stock broker: 股票經紀人 I was not happy working as a stock broker. Because there was too much unnecessary pressure on me. Didn’t you know it was stressful job when you took the position? I knew it would be stressful, but I have no idea to what extent. Of all your jobs, which one was your least favorite? I have been very fortunate that I have enjoyed all of my jobs. Surely, there was one you enjoy the least. I guess, I liked to be the book keeper the least. After while, it became very boring. Topic 3 如何描繪一個典型的工作日 What was your typical workday like? What was your typical workday like at the firm? I would get there and answer the message for the day before. What then? Then, I would take up where I left off on my on going projects. What kind of projects? I had an assortment of different projects. Describe your typical workday. I would arrive around 8, and make a list of to dos for the day. How long would that take? About 15 minutes, then I would work on this to dos one by one. Topic 4 你為什麼要加入我們的公司? Why do you want to join our organization? Tell me why you’d like to join our organization? I have heard nothing but good things about your company. Like what? For instant? I’ve heard you take care of your employees, and of good salaries and benefits. Why do you want to be a part of our organization? I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. How so? I think this company and I have a lot to offer each other. This company is obviously very well respected of oil business. I want to be a part of this company. Because I want to be a part of the best. Topic 5 如何講喜好 a. I’m not much of an outdoor’s person. b. What do you like about? I can’t wait. c. Do you hike or fish on your trips? d. Have fun and be careful! e. My favorite movie are always comedies. f. Surfing the internet is a great way to spend spare time. Topic 6 如何和別人談論興趣 a.How long have been playing tennis. b.I used to play quite a bit myself. c.Are you free Thursday evening d.That sounds great. e.I look forward to seen you then. f. I’m still becoming familiar with the city. g.How did you spend your weekend? h.Did you enjoy camping out?


英語中12個典型的中國式錯誤 1. 這個價格對我挺合適的。   誤:The price is very suitable for me。   正:The price is right。   提示:suitable(合適的、相配的)最常見的用法是以否定的形式出現在告示或通知上,如:下列節目兒童不宜。The following programme is not suitable for children。   2. 你是做什麼工作的呢?   誤:What's your job?   正:Are you working at the moment?   提示:what's your job這種說法難道也有毛病嗎?是的。因為如果談話物件剛剛失業,如此直接的問法會讓對方有失面子,所以要問:Are you working at the moment?(目前您是在上班嗎?)接下來才問:Where are you working these days?(目前您在哪兒工作呢?)或者What line of work are you in?(您從事哪個行業呢?)   3. 用英語怎麼說?   誤:How to say?   正:How do you say this in English?   提示:How tosay是在中國最為氾濫成災的中國式英語之一,這絕不是地道的英語說法。同樣的句子有:How do you spell that please?(請問這個詞如何拼寫?)How do you pronounce this word?(請問這個單詞怎麼讀?)   4. 明天我有事情要做。   誤:I have something to do tomorrow。   正:I am tied up all day tomorrow。   提示:用I havesomething todo來表示很忙,這也完全是中國式的說法。因為每時每刻我們都有事情要做,躺在那裡睡大覺也是事情。所以可以說我很忙,脫不開身:I'm tied up。還有其它的說法:I can't make it at that time. I'd love to, but I can't, I have to stay at home。   5. 我沒有英文名。   誤:I haven't English name。   正:I don't have an English name。   提示:許多人講英語犯這樣的錯誤,從語法角度來分析,可能是語法功底欠缺,因為have在這裡是實義動詞,而並不是助動詞。所以,這句話由肯定句變成否定句要加助動詞。例如:我沒有錢;I don't have any money。   6. 我想我不行。   誤:I think I can't。   正:I don't think I can。   提示:漢語裡說“我想我不會”的時候,英語裡面總是說“我不認為我會”。以後在說類似的英語句子的時候,只要留心,也會習慣英語的表達習慣的。   7. 我的舞也跳得不好。   誤:I don't dance well too。   正:I am not a very good dancer either。   提示:當我們說不擅長做什麼事情的時候,英語裡面通常用not good at something,英語的思維甚至直接跳躍到:我不是一個好的舞者。   8. 現在幾點鐘了?   誤:What time is it now?   正:What time is it, please?   提示:What time is it now是一個直接從漢語翻譯過的句子,講英語的時候沒有必要說now,因為不可能問what time was it yesterday?所以符合英語習慣的說法是:請問現在幾點了?還有一種說法是:How are we doing for time?這句話在有時間限制的時候特別合適。   9. 我的英語很糟糕。   誤:My English is poor。   正:I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving。   提示:有人開玩笑說,全中國人最擅長的一句英文是:My English is poor. 外國人遇到自己外語不好的情況,他們會說: I am still having a few problems, but I am getting better。   10. 你願意參加我們的晚會嗎?   誤:Would you like to join our party on Friday?   正:Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?   提示:join往往是指參加俱樂部或者協會,如:join a health club; join the Communist Party。事實上,常常與party搭配的動詞是come 或者go。如go a wild party,或者come to a Christmas Party。   11. 我沒有經驗。   誤:I have no experience。   正:I don't know much about that。   提示:I have no experience這句話聽起來古裡古怪,因為只需要說那方面我懂得不多,或者這方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area。   12. ——這個春節你回家嗎?   ——是的,我回去。   --Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?   誤:--Of course!   正:--Sure. / Certainly。   提示:以英語為母語的人使用of course的頻率要比中國的學生低得多,只有在回答一些眾所周知的問題時才說of course。因為of course後面隱含的一句話是“我當然知道啦!難道我是一個傻瓜嗎?”因此,of course帶有挑釁的意味。在交談時,用sure或certainly效果會好得多。同時,of course not也具挑釁的意味。正常情況下語氣溫和的說法是certainly not。