2014年2月23日 星期日


1. My time is your time. 請你吩咐! 2. My hands are tied. 我很忙,無能為力。 3. To make a long story short. 長話短說。 4. It's a date. 一言為定。 5. That's a steal. 真便宜。 6. She has no sense. 她不懂事。 7. It's not a big deal. 沒什麼了不起。 8. What's the fuss? 吵什麼? 9. Don't push me. 別逼我。 10. Have a good time. 玩得高興。 11.Get down to business. 言歸正傳。 12. Does it serve your purpose? 對你有用麼? 13. It's a long story. 一言難盡。 14. Don't play possum. 別裝蒜! 15. Make it up. 不計前嫌。 16. Don't over do it. 別太過分了。 17. You wanna bet? 想打賭嗎? 18. Who wants it/that? 誰稀罕? 19. December heartbeat. 黃昏戀 20. Follow my nose. 憑直覺 21. Cheap skate. 小氣鬼! 22. Big mouth. 多嘴。 23. I'm going to go. 我這就去。 24. can-do person 能人 25. Leave me alone. 別理我。 26. Don't pass the buck. 不要推卸責任 27. I can't put up with her. 我受不了她。 28. She is just thick-skinned. 她真是厚臉皮。 29. I see eye to eye with you. 我與你的意見一致。 30. I can't make two ends meet. 青黃不接 月光一族 31. Many people. many tastes. 各有所好。 32. One man's meat is another man's poison. 對一個好的事對另外的人並不是好事。 33. Many hands make light work. 人多好幹活。 34. I won't live off the handouts of other people. 我不會靠人家的施捨過活。 35. He is on his high horse these days. 他這幾天有點趾高氣昂。 36. You give him an inch and he will take a mile. 得寸進尺。 37. He is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。 38. We are on good terms. 我們關係很好。

